The Classical Accordion
Vincent van Amsterdam opens up a new world of beauty to the open-minded listener. This authentic soloist surrenders himself completely to the music and becomes one with his instrument. Virtuosity serves expression, in both small and large gestures.
Listen to Bach and Franck with new ears, discover Solotarjov and Gubaidulina, feel the temperament of Piazzolla and Galliano. Welcome to the surprising sound world of the classical accordion.
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Watch & Listen
Lambertuskerk - Raamsdonk (NL)
Collaboration with s’OTTOvoces. Choir and instrumental music by Daan Manneke (a.o.)
de Kampanje - Den Helder (NL)
Together with LUDWIG ensemble (5tet) we will play music by Bach, Wagner and the new concerto by Wim Henderickx
Veldhoven (NL)
Jurymember during the yearly NOVAM Solisten en Kamermuziek Concours
Muziekgebouw - Amsterdam (NL)
Premier of the new concerto for accordion and stringorchestra by the late Wim Henderickx.
Together with LUDWIG ensemble
Inventio – Bach, Scarlatti, Couperin
These composers’ lightness in writing feels like they put their improvisations on paper. With such inspiration, with such great ‘inventio’, you are compelled to listen further.
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